Cosy7682’s Club Penguin Library!

Archive for July 2008


I hope you are having fun at the party. It really rocks! Each room has a theme (see picture below to see which room has what theme) and the free items are GREAT! The maracas return but the T-shirt is new.

Located at the Plaza.

Located at the Cove.

Room themes

Check out the Snow Forts for exclusive t-shirts and VIP pass.

Its all members only (of course) and the Backstage pass is for a special dressing room behind the stage at the Dock.

Back there you can buy instruments in the music catalogue and browse the dressing room.

It looks really relaxed there, doesn’t it!? Well go to “Instruments 4 Sale” and the music catalogue will appear. Of course, it will only stay there while the party is on, so if you’re a member, go there quick!

There is a secret in the catalogue.

So if you want the guitar, I would highly suggest you get it while you can!

There is also an applause button which you can press and you will hear a cheer!

Also the new game DJ3K is out. It is permanent game and is really fun! Yesterday I was really rockin’ on it! Its a shame a can’t record it.

I have some news which may disappoint you

I am going away for 3 days and will be back on this site and Club Penguin on Thursday. Have fun at the party! I will not be online or posting from Monday to Wednesday because where I am staying doesn’t have a computer, let alone Internet. Also I have forgotten Purple Hamsy’s password so I will not be on Purple until I make a new password.

Thank you.

Keep on wadding!


Yes, here’s a closer up version of what I was telling you about last week. It’s below!

It’s not as cool as it really is because you can’t here the music but you don’t have to wait very long for it!! Its out on the 25th! I’m really looking forward to it.

Summer Holiday!

My summer holiday starts today so I will be on Club Penguin inthe mornings. Also…

I’M ONE! I’M ONE!!!!

Meet me in the Coffee Shop as soon as you can and say “Alphabet cosy” so I know you are there for the party.

See you there!



I’m sure you either love or hate the new features on CP, 1,000 views party next week in my holiday season, and well… here a little photo album.

New igloo background


Penguin Mail

Don’t forget to pick up your FREE messenger bag!

Server selection

There are also some other small things like the way open igloos are set out (below) and a bubble appears when a buddy comes online.

And the way member igloos are set out.

So there are loads of great new things on Club Penguin… but I’ve a party which you can come to-3 in fact!

Birthday party

I’m sorry-the date for me being 1 is wrong. The date is: 22nd July 2008. I’m sorry for the confusion! Everything else for the party is the same. Here’s a reminder.

You are invited to my 1st birthday party on Club Penguin

Where: Coffee Shop (Town)

Time: 4:30 PST (Penguin Standard Time)

Why: I am 1!

I hope you can come to the party.


The code to make sure you have seen this invite is:

Alphabet Cosy

Friends, fun and game guaranteed!

Remember your party hats!

1,000 views party

It’s next week- it’s the biggest site celebration across the WordPress world! Come along and join the fun.

1,000 views party on Club

Penguin next week

1,000 has called across world to hold a celebration- and its happening! I have had 1,000 eventually and now I just have to put the invitation up!

It’s the time we’ve all been waiting for- 1,000 views!

Where: Dojo

Server: Snow Drift

Time: 2:30 PST

Why: 1,000 views have happened on Cosy7682’s Club Penguin Library!

Keep shouting ‘views’ so that I know why you’re there for the party.

Don’t for get your party hats!

And please do not invite your friends unless they have seen my site at least once.

© Cosy7682’s Club Penguin Library! TM All Rights Reserved.

Music Jam party on the 25th

Get ready to party get ready to party to MUSIC JAMMING on the 25th this summer!

Sneak Peek below!!

I’m really excited- I’m sure YOU are too! There are going to be a couple of cool surprises too! So be on the lookout!

Wow I’ve never done such a long post before!

Keep on waddling!



If you have just had a ‘Connection Lost’ sign on Club Penguin just now, that is totally find because Club Penguin is starting to put up the new features! I won’t be there for the grand finarlly but anyway-most of my friends won’t either! Below is what is currently being made:

  • Penguin Mail
  • New server login
  • Inventory set out
  • Igloo backgrounds

It will be ready soon and once it is done… tell me all about it!

Important news

This site has had nearly 1,000 views and Cosy7682 will be holding a party in celebration. It will be be:

Where: Sherbert (my usual server) in the Coffee Shop


Date: Unknown right now, I will tell you when we reach 1,000 views.

Every viewer is invited and I will meet on the couch on the Coffee Shop by the wall. I look forward to seeing you there.


– Cosy7682

Keep on waddling!



Soon there will be a new game for your Nintendo DS (as always) and well… this is a CP site so what would you expect? Club Penguin will be on your DS soon!

You will be able to do missions and solve myseries that even Secret Agents don’t know about! And of course you will be able to play your favourite mini games, get coins and upload things onto your computer account (somehow). I haven’t go a DS but I hope I can get one soon! Below I put the order of who (which countries) will get the game in stores first.


  1. Canada
  2. America
  3. England
  4. Wales, Scotland and Ireland
  5. Australia


Keep on waddling!



As you can see, there is a feature delay on Club Penguin. All the new features (igloo background, Penguin Mail and the other stuff) has to mega creepy crawly bugs found sitting happily on the new features. It should be on Monday or Tuesday the new features should be here 😦 I was looking forward to the new features!

Keep on waddling!



I’m sure you have the current pin (firework pin). But for all the old people on Club Penguin, when you saw the pin did you think “I’ve seen that firework before, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.” or “that firework looks vaguely familiar.” Well, secret revealed! See if you can spot the same.

With thanks to Watex (aka Fever) for these pictures.

So can you see the thing that is in common? Comment if you think you know. It’s quite obvious really.

And a little sneak peek of a money making fun thing (game).

It looks like a penguin moving that disc thing that DJ’s move with its flipper. BillyBob said on the Official Club Penguin Blog (click here to go to the blog) that it would be much liked by people that like music. I shall like it then, I love music, which is why my commenting wordpress avatar is a music penguin:

and I play an instrument (piano) and I LOVE the staff background and the piano background (a staff is something where the musical notes are put on in singular: )

And so I would probably play it alot! If you think you would like it too, please comment!

Keep on waddling!



Its a packed title, I know, and it a PACKED MONTH! Tomorrow Squidzoid vs Gamma Gal and Shawdow Guy comes back from January (picture below),

there will be a Music Festival for music fans like myself, I actually play an instrument. I play the piano. Anyway, the Penguin Band will play in the fesival on the Iceberg, no doubt people will crowd round the band and Iceberg fills up, the Iceberg may tip, and that will be a top story the newspaper.

And there are rumors that the green puffle in the Nightclub isn’t always on the speaker he’s usuallysits on.

So is that true? Weird. Let me know if you spot the speaker top which the ‘Keeper’ usually sits on empty.

And Penguin Mail mentioning once again! It should be relrased today or tomorrow… I hope its soon!

Keep on waddling!


Hi there!

As you know unless if you haven’t read (pronounced red) the title, I will be showing you what Penguin Mail might look like! Picture below!

I like that. Its like a desk and you can save,reply and delete any mail you get! Wow! Well also the new catalogue came out yesterday so I will update Catalogue Secrets and as no-one wants their own video up for fame on Easy-to-Follow mission guides Mission #8, I will just pick one myself!

Keep on waddling!



New inventory look soon! It doesn’t look the way it did when I last posted about the inventory-look below.

Above-player card when \'see all items\' is not open

Above- when the all items button is closed

It will be set up a bit like the chat Club Penguin provides you at the side of you ‘tool’ bar. Look!

So you can see the items the way it currently looks like and you can see it sorted out like above. Cool

As it is July, below is the invatation to my 1st birthday party!

You are invited to Cosy’s

1st birthday party!

On: 17th July

Where: Coffee Shop, Snowflake

Time: 1:30am- 3:30am PST

Why: Cosy is 1!

This is to you and by invitation only! No inviting friends when they haven’t seen this!

The secrets code to make sure you and your friends has seen this is:

Abcd cosy

All viewers welcome. Games, fun and friends are guaranteed!

So now you’re ready to party away July the 17th, but what about the igloo thing? Well the picture below may explain!

So for once it acctually looks like you are somewhere instead if in the middle of no-where! I acctually think they’ve done it now- check out your igloo and see!

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July 2008

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The current pin

In the Boiler Room. A picture will be uploaded soon.


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Meeting me, Cosy7682

If you want to see me in Club Penguin you can. Comment in 'About...' and I might be able to see you. On Saturday I go on Frozen (more info on 'Where I'll be next') and add the first 3 people that come for my weekly meeting. If you are not sure it is me, I tend to stand out from the crowd by shouting alot or wearing clothes that you can't get anymore. I tend to be blue or red and wear the black and red t-shirt from Rockhopper.

More about me, Cosy7682

I am better known as Cosy as I like to call myself, and my other penguin, Purple Hamsy, is also known as Purple. To prevent any embarrassment when commenting, I am a girl and I like to sit by my beloved computer or play in the garden. I live in England, which is why you will often see spellings like 'catalogue' instead if the American spelling, 'catalog'. I joined Cosy in about the middle of Club Penguin, and my first pin was the butterfly pin. I often go with rules, and I don't like people disobeying rules that much, though my main rule is to be happy and have fun, so watch out if you do bend rules a bit!

My Player Card!

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