Cosy7682’s Club Penguin Library!

Archive for November 2008


I’m sure all those penguins around last year at Christmas time can remember the ‘Coins For Change’ campain. I remember, I donated a little bit to each need. You get a certificate when you donate. For all of you don’t know anything about Coins For Change, click here , or stick with me.

When you donate coins, you can pick between 3 causes to donate for:

  • Kids who are sick.
  • Kids who are poor and cannot go to school.
  • Kids without parents or who have been hurt by war.

Every coin makes a difference. Now you’re probably wondering, how is this going to help? It’s only virtual money? Excatly. It’s virtual money that can be made into REAL money. Club Penguin is aiming to make 1000000 (1 million) dollars, like last year. And this year, with the Christmas sprit YOU can donate to Coins for Change.


Keep on waddling!



I’m sure many of you people out there have been playing the new game- CARD JITSU! It is really cool! Check out my short but sturdy AND efficient guide to all your belts.

Right now I’m on my blue belt. At first I didn’t get how you recieve it but… I’ve got it now so I’m happy.



The first thing you need to know about becoming a fully qualified ninja is what belts there are. Here is the legend of the belts.


Now you now the order of the belts, you need to go to the Sensei. He will tell you about it and give you the starter deck of cards. You can add the codes on trading cards you can buy in the shops to get better cards.


Now go onto the mats and battle with other penguins to get your belts!

But that’s not the end. When you are on your brown belt, ready to get your black, you don’t play with your friends and other penguins. You compete with the Sensei. He says he quite good, but to beat him you have to wait for him to muck up them you can get past him. By that I mean win.


  1. Fire beats Snow.
  2. Snow beats Water.
  3. Water beats Fire.

It’s like Rock Paper Scissors. I do Water first, then Fire, then Water again, then Snow. That way I usually get an easy win. Try making your own method. It makes it MUCH easier.

To win you must have three cards the same but a different colour, like this: fire

Or have one of each card with different colours, like this: 3-cards

To get a belt you must have:

White belt – 5-7 wins

Yellow belt (Yellow Belt) – Approximately 7-13 more wins

Orange belt Approximately – 8-14 more wins

Green belt – Approximately 9-15 more wins

Blue belt -Approximately 10-16 more wins

Red belt – Approximately 12-17 more wins

Purple belt –  Approximately 13-18 more wins

Brown belt – Approximately 14-19 more wins

Black belt – Approximately 15-20 more wins.

Good Luck



Amazing news! You can now become a ninja! Well, from the 17th November you can. Look at the newspaper article from the Penguin Times.


Maybe this has something to do with the trading cards…

Well there is a free item: Geta Sandles. Get them from the Dojo Courtyard.

Also it turns out that this guy:


Is a Sensei! He will training ninjas-to-be. Someone thought he was a Sensei and said it on the Official Club Penguin Blog.

So that all for now. If anything else happens in the Dojo, let me know IMMEDIATELY.

Keep on waddling!



There will be a new multiplayer game soon and you will be able to use the codes on the CP trading cards coming out on the 17th. Here is a picture of a bit of the game.


So what do you think it’s about? Let me know in this post’s comment box.



Just to let you like the ‘Fix the Dojo’ campain does NOT exist. I just made it up. Anyway, between 28th October and 2nd November there was a big storm of CP. If you went to the Dojo, you would have seen it was being affected greatly by the storm.  Now there was so much damage we NEED to help fix it!


There is also a mystery man digging the Dojo out. Who is he? If you have any ideas, comment to tell me. I think he might be a ninja in disguise. Also he is a sort of grey colour, which you can’t get of CP.


Check him out!

Keep on waddling!



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Meeting me, Cosy7682

If you want to see me in Club Penguin you can. Comment in 'About...' and I might be able to see you. On Saturday I go on Frozen (more info on 'Where I'll be next') and add the first 3 people that come for my weekly meeting. If you are not sure it is me, I tend to stand out from the crowd by shouting alot or wearing clothes that you can't get anymore. I tend to be blue or red and wear the black and red t-shirt from Rockhopper.

More about me, Cosy7682

I am better known as Cosy as I like to call myself, and my other penguin, Purple Hamsy, is also known as Purple. To prevent any embarrassment when commenting, I am a girl and I like to sit by my beloved computer or play in the garden. I live in England, which is why you will often see spellings like 'catalogue' instead if the American spelling, 'catalog'. I joined Cosy in about the middle of Club Penguin, and my first pin was the butterfly pin. I often go with rules, and I don't like people disobeying rules that much, though my main rule is to be happy and have fun, so watch out if you do bend rules a bit!

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