Cosy7682’s Club Penguin Library!

Cosy’s Club Penguin Beginners Guide

Hello to all the new citizens of Club Penguin and Welcome to Club Penguin!

I’ve decided to set up a Beginner’s Guide for new people who are having trouble playing Club Penguin and don’t understand certain things. I list all basics here, like emotes and sending mail, as well as the characters on Club Penguin (Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic and Gary the Gadget Guy.). I hope it helps!

Click here to watch An introduction to Club Penguin by The Club Penguin Show weekly : creator: Cosy7682

Player Card

Your Player Card is the only thing that you can edit the way your penguin looks like with. Top open your player card, click on your penguin. At the very top of your player card is the name of your penguin.

Click on the top arrow on your player card to see what clothes you have.

If you click on the bottom arrow on your player card, you can see what colours, pins and backgrounds you own.

At the very bottom of your player card you can see how many coins you have.

You can earn more money by playing the games on Club Penguin. The better you do on the games, the more money you get. You can use the money to buy backgrounds and, if you are a member, clothes from the ‘Penguin Style’ catalogue.

Waddling around

To walk around, click where you want to go in the room you are in.

If you cannot move to where you want to go, it is because when you walk to your destination choosing the route you want to use, you have to walk through a piece of furniture. You can walk through other people though.

Click on a door to a room to go in the room.

Other penguins

When another penguin is in the room, you can click on them to see their player card.

Click on the smiley face to send them a buddy request.

If that person is already your friend, you can go to their igloo by clicking on the house icon…

Or if they are not in the room you can find out where they are by clicking on the face with no smile.

To send the penguin mail, click on the envelope icon.

If you want to ignore the penguin, click on the skull icon.

If you want to report the penguin to a moderator, click on the gold M in a badge shape.


You can also remove the penguin from your buddy list if they are already your friend by clicking on the smile with a red x over it.

Penguin Mail

Other people can send you mail by clicking on the envelope icon on your player card. You will see when someone send you mail when the envelope gets a number in an orangecircle appears. The rectangle with a smile on it shows when someone want’s to be your friend or replying to your request.

The newspaper is sort of mail too. It is automatically ‘delivered’ to you every Thursday. The only difference between mail and the newspaper is that once you’ve read it, it isn’t deleted. In fact you can’t delete it at all.


To earn coins you can play games on Club Penguin. The better you do, the more money you get.

Check my Rich Game Guides if you want to find out how to make alot of dosh from playing games on Club Penguin.

Tool Bar

The tool helps you do lots of things.Below is what it can do.


In the bar in the middle you can chat. But you can’t say numbers.You can also talk by using the speech bubble icon.


If you click on the winking face, which is instead of the lauging face (what is circled above) emotes will come up.


This will show actions you can do. Click on one to do it.


You can throw a snowball with this icon.


If you click on the star, you can edit the way your penguin looks.


If you click on the smile icon, you can see your buddies, people in the room and people on your ignore list.


If you click on the house, you can go to your igloo.


If you click on the question mark, you can manage your account, see how old you penguin is in days and see how many buddies you have.


Emotes are a good way of expressing yourself. Below is the quickest way of showing emotes.

Click to enlarge.

E  W is a hidden emote and makes you show .


Puffles are the Club Penguin pets. if you are a member you can buy 16, if you are a non-member you can buy 2 (red and/or blue, blue and blue or red and red.) Here are all the colours:









Puffles need constant care (at minimum per day: every hour you spend on Club Penguin. No maximum.) and must be exercised by walking or playing with it. It must be put to bed, fed and bathed every day/every time you log in. Your puffle also has a player card too, just like you.

Below is a red puffle’s player card.


28gothicgirl’s (aka Cosy7682) red puffle called Cannon.

Special Roles

There are 2 special roles on Club Penguin if you don’t count being a moderator. I’ll explain about moderaters later.


To be a secret agent you MUST go to the golden M on the corner of you screen.

Click on it and it should say this:

Except it doesn’t have my name in the corner. Anyway, click on Become a Secret Agent and do the quiz!

I will do a new page soon called ‘Solutions’ if you need help doing the quiz. You need to be 30 days old or older to become an agent. You recieve and spy phone and access to the Secret Agent HQ if you pass the quiz. If you fail the quiz-I’m sorry, you don’t become an agent. But don’t worry! You can try again another time.

You receive all that the next time you log into the penguin who you did the quiz with if you passed.

In the HQ, Click on the mission box to start the missions.


Tour Guides are penguins who give new people tours around Club Penguin. You have to be 45 days old or older to become a Tour Guide and you get a Tour Guide hat. There is a quiz about Club Penguin with becoming a tour guide too, you must get at least 5/7 right to pass the test. You find out immediately if you passed the test or not.

The Tour Guide Stall is in the Ski Village.

If you have been banned in the last 30 days you will not be allowed to become a Tour Guide.

That is basically all you need to know about Tour Guides!


Moderators are the people that moderate Club Penguin. If there were no moderators, there would be no safe Club Penguin, no consequences (eg.bans) and no Club Penguin. Now, to be a moderator, you can’t go to a stall on Club Penguin like you do when you are of age to become a Tour Guide, you can’t Click on the golden M in the corner of your screen, you have to be an adult for a start. In other words, you can’t become a mod when playing Club Penguin. Click here to see more about becoming a moderator.


Secrets on Club Penguin are really fun to look for and can be very exciting once you’ve discovered it. There are two secrets on Club Penguin, pins and catalogue secrets.


Pins on Club Penguin are hidden every 2 weeks. To find it you can lok at my site,ask people where it is if they already have it or make a search party with your friends. Walk over the pin and you will be asked if you want it. Once it has been added to your inventory, you can open it up and put it on your player card.

Catalogue Secrets

The catalogue secrets are a good way of making shopping funner than ever! To find hidden items, hover your mouse over everything in the catalogue until a hand appears. Click here to see all the places where every hidden item in every catalogue in Club Penguin is! Unfortunatly, only members can buy the hidden stuff. 😦 The Viking Helmet is hidden in every catalogue.

Secret Rooms

There are also secret rooms, like the Mine and the Iceberg. Below is a map which shows every place in Club Penguin!

There is also a manhold in the Plaza, which leads to the Pool.

And also in the NightClub there is a speaker that opens and leads to the Boiler Room.

That was by Ellepink but that penguin got banned forever! 😦 The penguin was called May678. You’ll never find her online with that penguin anymore.


The 4 Characters on Club Penguin are:

Yarr (Rockhopper’s Puffle)

Aunt Arctic

Gary the Gadget Guy (G)

Captain Rockhopper


Yarr is Captain Rockhopper’s puffle. He is Rockhopper’s first mate. You can see him on the Migrator (Rockhopper’s Ship) whenever it is docked on the Beach.

Captain Rockhopper

Captain Rockhopper travels on his ship, The Migrator, and comes to Club Penguin approximately every 2 months.

Can I meet Rockhopper?

Yes! Whenever his ship is docked at the Beach, you may be lucky enough to meet him. He likes to hang out on his ship. If you don’t find him there, ask around. He is a red penguin who wears the name Rockhopper and has a black beard and pirate hat. He considers himself a friend to everyone in Club Penguin and would love to meet you too.

Can I travel with Rockhopper?

Rockhopper is the captain of his own ship, and except for the addition of Yarr, he prefers to travel alone.

Aunt Arctic

Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Penguin Times and also gives advice to penguins in the newspaper.

Can I meet Aunt Arctic?

Aunt Arctic is very busy with her writing. You can’t meet her right now, but read her column and send her a question. She might just answer your question!

How do I send Aunt Arctic a question?

Go to Aunt Arctic’s column in the newspaper and click on the ‘send a question’ icon. Write your question in the message box and click send.

Can I write for the Penguin Times?

Absolutely! To submit your stories, jokes, poems or riddles go to page D1 and D2 of the Club Penguin Times the next time you are online. If you like drawing, you can submit artwork to be published. There are too many submissions to publish all of them, so only a selection will be used.

Gary the Gadget Guy

G (Gary the Gadget Guy) is Club Penguin’s inventor.

Can I meet G?

Gary is a very busy penguin and a little reserved. He does not make public appearances in Club Penguin. You can only see him in PSA missions. You can’t see him like your buddies on Club Penguin.


Bans and silencing


When you are banned you are cut off from Club Penguin for a certain amount if time on the penguin that was banned. It can be from 1hour up to FOREVER.

A penguin can be banned for:

  • Sharing personal information
  • Being mean or rude to another penguin or swearing and/or bullying.
  • Referring to drugs, alcohol or saying racist and sexist things.
  • Use of third party programs.

There are 4 simple rules to follow. Any attemps of trying to say ANY of those things may be banned. You see everything you say is filtered by Club Penguin. But sometimes some of those things to get through the filter.


Being silenced is when you are not allowed to talk. I’m not sure if you are allowed to use easy chat (Ultimate Safe Chat) but you are definitely not allowed to talk using safe chat (using the blue bar in the tool bar).

That’s the end! I hope this really helps you play Club Penguin better and understand it more.

Good Luck out there!


13 Responses to "Cosy’s Club Penguin Beginners Guide"


i like it lots i sat here and read it all
how did you get a picture of urself?

My camera is working once again! It comes out clear that’s how I did it.

Well done your beginner guide is great! Keep up the good work! 😉

This is cool!!

can you please add me? im on marshmallow

Nice. Accept this is pretty old. There is newer stuff in Club Penguin now. Good job though. This can really help someone.

Club penguin is retarded and it stinks of poo and monkey armpits and it’s for 1 year olds

Wotever u malfunctioned retard


i think your guide is really good for penguin who have been on clubpenguin a long time as well and for beginners!

no! smellysprouts is a no good son-of-a-fitch.

im now a member thx 2 u cosy the tips were great thx bye


thanks everyone for your positive comments 🙂 yes alot of it is out of date but i havent been going on cp or on this site. sorry everyone who has been trying to use the out-of-date instructions. 😦

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Meeting me, Cosy7682

If you want to see me in Club Penguin you can. Comment in 'About...' and I might be able to see you. On Saturday I go on Frozen (more info on 'Where I'll be next') and add the first 3 people that come for my weekly meeting. If you are not sure it is me, I tend to stand out from the crowd by shouting alot or wearing clothes that you can't get anymore. I tend to be blue or red and wear the black and red t-shirt from Rockhopper.

More about me, Cosy7682

I am better known as Cosy as I like to call myself, and my other penguin, Purple Hamsy, is also known as Purple. To prevent any embarrassment when commenting, I am a girl and I like to sit by my beloved computer or play in the garden. I live in England, which is why you will often see spellings like 'catalogue' instead if the American spelling, 'catalog'. I joined Cosy in about the middle of Club Penguin, and my first pin was the butterfly pin. I often go with rules, and I don't like people disobeying rules that much, though my main rule is to be happy and have fun, so watch out if you do bend rules a bit!

My Player Card!

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